sketch - определение. Что такое sketch
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Что (кто) такое sketch - определение

Sketch vector graphics editor; Sketches; Sketching; Sketch (disambiguation); Sketch (film)

·vi To make sketches, as of landscapes.
II. Sketch ·noun To draw the outline or chief features of; to make a rought of.
III. Sketch ·noun To plan or describe by giving the principal points or ideas of.
IV. Sketch ·noun An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any design; especially, in the fine arts, such a representation of an object or scene as serves the artist's purpose by recording its chief features; also, a preliminary study for an original work.
I. n.
Outline, drawing, delineation, plan, skeleton, rough draught, first draught, design in outline.
II. v. a.
Draw (in outline), chalk out, make a rough draught of, design, draught.
Depict, delineate, represent, portray, paint.
1) to draw, make a sketch
2) a composite sketch
3) a rough sketch
short essay
4) a brief, thumbnail sketch
5) a biographical sketch



Sketch or Sketches may refer to:

  • Sketch (drawing), a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work
Примеры произношения для sketch
1. sketch.
Deep Sea Exploration in Homemade Submarines _ Karl Stanley _ Talks at Google
2. And this sketch, this like, rough sketch
Itchy Feet _ Malachi Rempen _ Talks at Google
3. sketch comedy.
Robot Chicken _ Seth Green & Matthew Senreich _ Talks at Google
4. sketch group.
The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Didn't Need To _ DC Pierson _ Talks at Google
5. sketch stuff.
No Land's Man _ Aasif Mandvi _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для sketch
1. Visit for the video version of Washington Sketch.
2. Simon Hoggart‘s sketch Jon Henley‘s diary Simon Hoggart‘s sketch Simon Hoggart‘s sketch Jon Henley‘s diary Michael Hann: Who writes the BBC‘s scripts?
3. Labour MPs look for ways to shake off ministerial muzzle Simon Hoggart‘s sketch Simon Hoggart‘s sketch
4. Simon Hoggart‘s sketch Yesterday in parliament Simon Hoggart‘s sketch Yesterday in parliament Prime minister‘s questions
5. For a video version of this sketch, go to